We are trending towards close-mindedness. From "safe zones" on campus, to P.C. police monitoring the comments of student and teacher alike, free speech is very much under attack.
So here, among Oasis Insiders, we are encouraging everyone to think for themselves. In olden days, if someone wanted to bring a topic to public attention, they'd climb on a soapbox and shout out their thoughts to the world.
We're going to message them instead.
We'll announce in the newsletter when Soapbox is launched.
Then, every time a new topic is introduced, we'll open it for comment. The best of the best will be selected to represent each side of the discussions, quoted in the newsletters and here on soapbox, and prizes will be awarded when the discussion is closed.
The bigger the discussion, the bigger the prizes. Be aware--the prize will be sent to the email registered with the comment.